Saturday, March 22, 2014

Athena bashing?

So, I belong to an Athena triathlete group on the old Facebook. And for those not in the know, Athena is a weight class distinction for women 165 lbs or more. It is not a requirement to assign yourself to this class, but many do. 

 So, this group was "suggested" to a woman, as Facebook likes to "suggest" to you groups to join, who became very insulted at this and made some pretty insensitive remarks which got some of the gals understandably a bit riled.  I cannot provide a link to this as it is a private group, but I made my own choice comments along the lines of "I am 165 lbs of muscle so she can go shit in her hat." 

This morning while out on a run with my son, a leisurely 3 miles pushing the 50+ lbs of combined child and stroller, I had the time to really rev up my inner monologue soapbox, and the beauty of social media is that I get to share it all with you!


I don't usually come on Facebook all cussin' and guns blazin', but damn if I wasn't feeling a bit FEISTY last night. This past September I had the privilege to be on national TV and declare to the lovely Dom Streater that I was "comfortable in my own skin" Check me out HERE

It took every second of my 37 years, many inner struggles and two wonderful babies to get to that point. I have been fat, skinny, everything in between. 
Now, by the grace of God, I can say I am a strong and healthy mother for my children. I feel good and do not for one day take my health for granted as I have seen so many of my family succumb to various illnesses.

80 year old men have whizzed past me in races, and I have "skinny" friends who can't keep up with me. We all march to the beat of our own divine rhythm and the world is better for it

I am proud to be an Athena Triathlete, I am proud of the women in the group because we all have some hella fiesty or we wouldn't even bother with it. ;)

I do not know the woman who made the remarks, and honestly, I am not insulted by her. This is about ME and how I feel in my own body. Her remark was insensitive and I don't care,  but it is representative of a general attitude that is pervasive in our culture. I HAVE HAD ENOUGH.

We are strong. We are healthy. We are blessed. Now lets get good and comfy in these amazing bodies! We inhabit them only so briefly. The hell with all that other noise!