Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Putting the Try in Triathlon

After a pleasantly social media-free summer, I am back. I took a break from it all with the goal of living my life rather than logging it. It was very relaxing. Just getting through a day of training and working and childrearing is enough, and blogging on top of it all seemed like a bit much. Sometimes I'd just rather go do the dishes. Or read Goodnight Moon for the umpteenth time. Or stare at the wall. I am particularly found of that activity, especially after everyone's asleep and the house is finally quiet. 

I trained for and completed the Wildcat Sprint Triathlon, and I am now training for the Bay-State half-marathon this fall.

Putting the Try in Triathlon

I went back for more Wildcat Sprint/ Merrimack River panic this year. 


I placed 2nd for Athena. Yeah! 

I met the goals I had made for myself, mostly, although my swim time was shorter it was still longer than what I had hoped for. 

Looks calm. Looks can be deceiving. It's seething.
Photo courtesy of Marianne Gries/ Flickr Creative Commons

Despite my blissfully calm open water swims during training, I still apparently loose my beans at the onset of a tri swim. Loose my BEANS. And that current! Whew! That mighty, might Merrimack. I realize now I most certainly need a wetsuit and a coach for next year. And to do more races in general. Whatevs. I made it out of the water and picked up some momentum in the bike & finished the run strong. 

And now to keep plugging away for the half marathon. I can't wait to put that 13.1 sticker on my car. HA! How's that for motivation? I actually have a wealth of deeply emotional and spiritual reasons for doing the half, but for right here I am going to be shallow and say it's for that bumper sticker I crave to show off to the world that despite my fat ass and swaying post-partem, two 9lb baby pregnancy carrying, c-section having, jiggle belly diastasis recti ruined mummy tummy that I can in fact haul myself 13.1 miles muthafuckah!

"Dolemite is my name, and fuckin' up motherfuckers is my game..."