Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Top 13 songs for 2013

I am late to the top list of whatever for last year. But whatever. These are my favorite songs for 2013. Some of them are very obnoxious, some of them are lovely. Some are not even from 2013.

Immigrant Song - Karen O. It's from Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, my obsession at the dawn of the year.
Royals - Lorde & Thrift Shop  - Macklemore.  Two fabulously catchy and empowering songs that make one feel OK with being broke.
Up All Night - Daft Punk
Harlem Shake. So obnoxious. Not really from Harlem, mostly just gyrating.
What Does the Fox Say - Ylvis. God Help me get out of my head. Brilliant.
Hold On - Alabama Shakes. Brittany Howard's voice slays me.
Too Many Dicks on the Dancefloor - Flight of the Conchords. Hysterical, genius rhyming.
Subhuman Woman - Devo. It's an old B-side. I like to pretend I am an alien cyborg woman running uphill in my armor.
Skokiaan - Louis Armstrong. Always a happy fav. Just can't be sad when I hear it.
Roar - Katy Perry. I know. I know. But I can't resist a song that sends a positive message to young women.
Rapper's Delight - Sugar Hill Gang. Sandra Bullock brought this one back. Always classic happy hip hop.
Stairway to Heaven Led Zep Live version '07. Because of this guy: Jeroen Offerman

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Happy New Year?

Happy New Year! I took the opportunity between Nor'Easters and Polar Vortexes to rock some rainbow socks on my inaugural New Years Day run. How lovely it all was, before we got snowed in and frozen. 

I'm a bit off kilter in my posting lately, but meh, I'm a bit off kilter in my running as well. It was a whirlwind holiday season. 

But now...I have a Garmin. Which makes me think of Andy Warhol, and here is why.

Andy Warhol is credited with saying something like this - although this is not a direct quote- "Wanting is better than having." This is because he believed that the anticipation, the desire and longing of having is so exquisitely built up in our minds that the reality often falls short. I would have to agree, and when it comes to my Garmin, sadly, this is so. 

Now, I am a techie person. In my place of work, I am the go-to troubleshooting guru. You bring me a piece of cranky software and I can make your dreams come true. 

All year I have fantasized about pacing my miles, measuring my splits, improving my cadence and speed. If only I had a sweet sweet Garmin to time my runs and measure everything! Then I could break that 9 minute barrier! Visions of a 27 minute 5k danced in my head. 

Alas, it was not to be. I kept pressing buttons and semi-trotting and begging and pleading and the end result was more like the episode of AbFab when Eddie hurls her blackberry out the window screaming "Give me back my life!!!"

Guess I should go download that owner's manual now...