LittleBoy appeared before me with his fingers covered in some vanilla-sweet- smelling gooey substance:
He was smiling wildly. I asked, "What did you find behind the couch?!?"
His happy reply, "CAKE!"
Me: Silence, shock, bewilderment. Cake? Behind the couch? Horror of horrors.
After a quick reconnaissance mission I realized he had dug into a mushy scented candle.
I emphasized that this was a candle and therefore not edible.
(read: DON"T EAT THAT!)
He hadn't really ingested any, but had a grand time smearing the gooey wax around and licking it. The candle was not burning, the wax was not melted, it was simply a particularly soft candle.
Damage was done. He now believes there is a secret cache of cake behind the couch every time we go there.
LittleBoy: Cake? Cake? Where are you?
God, those pictures....hahahahaha!!!!