Thursday, October 23, 2014

Super powers on a 13.FUN

2 super powers I discovered after completing my first half marathon. 
(My first one, as in, there will be MORE)

1. I can not loose weight while training. Call it a gift. No matter how much I run, how carefully I eat, nothin' happens. Weight does not budge. Don't be jealous! It's a slow thyroid. For real, I've been tested. Dumb dumb dumb.

2. I have a special skill for running UPHILL. What? I don't know. All my life with these big heavy thigh muscles - wondered what purpose they'd ever serve. Well, there it is. I can fly past people uphill. And then continue to zoom downhill. That and all the breakneck trail training I did this summer. PAY OFF!

It was a chilly, lovely fall morning. As I stood at the starting line, I thought, "Well. At least I'll never have to do this again."
Then I thought, "Man I'm cold. I wish I was home. Why do I do this?"
And then I thought, "What better way to spend my precious weekend mornings than crammed in with with thousands of strangers running in the delightful New England autumn?" 

I started slow, it seems I really hit my stride after mile 4. Then zoom zoom zoom past all the people who whizzed past me at mile 2. And then continue zooming. The last 2 miles were a little work. But when I ever heard that crowd and saw that finish line, that put some serious wind in my sails and I just went for it. I didn't really want to sprint at the end (bad for the ole ticker) but I just couldn't help myself. What's the purpose of pacing yourself then? Burn it up, I say!!!

I saw some amazing people chuffing along. Skinny butts, fat butts. Midget butts, one-legged butts. Old, young, fierce and timid. Everyone was there. I was proud of all of them and silently wished them all a safe & healthy race. I smiled a lot. It didn't hurt that bad. I felt good, felt love for my fellow runners. I cried the first mile out of joy and gratitude and remembering my lost loved one for whom I was running. I wanted to cry at the end again with gratitude and joy. I can move my body, I can do this, I DID this, and for that I am blessed and grateful. 

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