Monday, November 2, 2015

Why I Run

I haven't run for a while, cuz I straight up have not felt like it. I've had other things to do, house projects, yardwork, social obligations, etc. And I started getting this weird rapid heartbeat in the heat so I decided to embrace my lazy for a bit. (I am not actually lazy but absurdly unable to sit still ever.)

Well, last Saturday I FELT like it. Donned me running shoes and hit the road. And here's what I remembered about running:

1)  LOVE. I love love love to move my body because I can. I think of all the times I've been limited by injury or pregnancy or time constraints - they flash through my mind and my hearts swells with gratitude for the present moment. I see how this sounds a little too perfect (ooh - all my runs are so blissful. Yeah right. If they weren't slogfests all summer I wouldn't've taken a hiatus)  The weather was perfect. "It was a beautiful, crisp October day", which leads me to #2.

2) Living in New England in October and running along the Merrimack River is a miracle of existence and nature and a divine blessing of beauty. I know. That may be a bit much. But when those endorphins are cruising around and I think about all the places I've been that don't have autumn like we do, I am very grateful and appreciative of what we have. It's an anomaly. The water was like glass. It was perfectly chilly so running was just right. The older I get the more picky I can be about running temps. Too hot and I get the heart palpies. Too cold and my lungs hurt. This was Goldilocks'-3rd-bowl-of-oatmeal-jussssst-riiight.

3) I get to laugh at myself. I listen to Rocky's theme song and I am so ridiculous but it really pulls my shoulders back, head up, puts a spring in my step and a big ole goofy grin  across my face because I delight in nothing more so than my own silliness. 

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