Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Just For Today...

 Just for Today I will not wipe, clean, sort, fold, wash, or otherwise make orderly. I will not sweep, swab, or swish away dirt. I will not tuck, tidy, or make neat. It will be hard, I will be straining to stop myself, but I MUST NOT GIVE IN! It must be done. I must draw in my notebook. I must have a creative outlet. I must loose myself in the music of the spheres and divine inspiration, even if only for the 5 extra minutes I get from not doing those things.

 I had a spectacular tantrum this morning due to excessive and relentless pre-coffee cleaning issues. I roared. It felt great.

Here's the story:  In the predawn hours, Little Boy had a timeout (I am skipping over a few details here, what prompted the timeout, etc) So he sat in the timeout rocking chair for the prescribed two minutes. I knew he had to pee but he refused to go before timeout so I sent Husband in to go check. Et vĂ®ola! LB peed all over his pants. Husband proceeded to clean him up and go about the day. 

However, in my prework scramble to get clothes, diapers, toys ready for a day G-ma's house, I came across a surprise! (And please no lectures about prepping the night before, it just didn't happen, ok?)

 A cascading torrent of urine, soaking the cushion, flowing onto the floor, puddles rivers and streams of it. How could he pee this much? Had he not gone in many days? I didn't understand, and in my pre-dawn pre-coffee pre-work mental fugue, I thought Husband had just intentionally left it all for me to clean. For me? On top of the mountains of urine soaked laundry, the mountains of clean and unfolded unsorted laundry, the grime on the floor, the sticky patch in the kitchen, the crumbs everywhere, the piddle in the bathroom, the moldy moldy mold everywhere.......
And so...I.Lost.My.Shit.

Let's just say, things flew around, boxes were kicked, a tantrum ensued.  LB looked on in awe and said in hushed tones, "Mummy - you craaanky." 

Yes sweetie, I am.

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