Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Well, that didn't work. So much for the "cleaning fast". Yeah right.

The cleaning fast worked in theory only. I simply can't do it. I start twitching. Then there was a sticky spot on the floor. I can't just walk by that all night! 

Spent 2 hours folding laundry. 4 loads. It just HAD to be done. I watched Monsters Inside Me. It's a show about horribly devastating parasites and amoebas that can kill you. Did you know they have the Bubonic Plague in New Mexico ?!?!  I have lived in Colorado & loved it, (God Bless Manitou!) and I have been thru New Mexico several times, just for the record. But now, we will never travel there as a family. Sorry. In fact, all the horrors on the show seemed to come from the southwest. Must have been a southwest special. Finally finished at midnight, then LittleBoy woke me up at 5am for elbow-in-the-eye and ice-cold-feet snuggle fest. Then immediately after snuggling in and falling asleep again he screamed that he had to potty. I have never felt so much like an old horse.

Today I hope to run 4 miles. It is a beautiful, crisp New England day.

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