Thursday, September 26, 2013

Mint M&Ms and Grapefruit juice.

So, HERE'S a bad idea!

Sneakily and quietly prepping for a run whilst the household slumbers. Can't be banging around the kitchen making a healthful snack! No time! Too loud!

1. Fistful or two of mint M&Ms

2. Wash down sugary crap with nice, thick, cold  grapefruit juice. Nourishing! Refreshing!

3. Go for a run! Take of like a shot down the hill, around the corner, across the street and along the river. In 80+ degree whether. Run like the wind. Run like the dickens. 


The Payoff: 2 miles in the most hideous & rank little burps will ensue. Minty Grapefruits? No. Bad.  Now struggle with post sugar crash empty tank for the remaining 2 suddenly sunny and hot miles. Blech.

Summary: Terrible Awful Gross 

Dr.Seuss Says it All
(from One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish)

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