Tuesday, November 5, 2013

NaNoWriMo? Blog-A-Day-Mo?

NaNoWriMo, which for those not in know, is….

National Novel Writing Month. 

But, I don't know if I have a novel in me. So I will make it......

Blog-a-day-mo.  I venture to find one thing a day that makes me laugh, most likely something my kiddos do, to share with the world and hopefully give others a chuckle too. When I was fresh and new at this motherhood thing, I found a blog that I fully credit with keeping me sane in the midst of chronic sleep deprivation. I'd like to "pay it forward" in a way, and also honor my desire to participate in NaNoWriMo.

I could...
 complain about one thing a day and be a sobbing mess. 
I could...
 get angry about one thing a day and be bitchy. 
OR I could...
 pretend everything is grand and fun in that online manner people have of "look-at-me-having-this-marvelous-time-that-you-are-not-isn't-my-life-so-awesome."   Gaaah. Nope. No thanks. 

I have decided to find that one thing a day that makes me laugh. Laughter is divine. It is good medicine and takes us out of our suffering. It has the power to transform and heal. Those are big demands to make on making fun of my life, but if I can't laugh, I will cry, then the little men in the funny truck will come to take me away. My son has already offered to drive said truck, and he is two.  So, yes, transformation and healing await the readers of my silly corner of cyberspace. I will do my best to serve you well and be as entertaining as possible. 

I'm already five days late, but I will pretend to try to post regularly!

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