Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Government Shut Down


This is unbelievably lame.  This is like two warring parents who are so selfish and really only hurting their children (the American people). I am not going to wax political here. It makes me sick and that is all I will say. I could go on for days, but I'd rather get on with the task at hand.

It seems to have stalled my posting, because, I am embarrassed to say, if the shutdown continues, I am not sure if I can justify the entry fee for the race. What? I haven't registered yet?!? I  know, I know....slacker procrastinator here. I have been glued to CNN all week.  Gross. But no income for the time being, although they guarantee back pay for furloughed employees, that's a well and good, but I can't really justify a $65 fee in the midst of all this madness.

THIS IS NOT A PITY PARTY. Not looking for help. Too damned self-reliant Yankee for that. These are just the facts of the situation. I am still training. I can run my own damn half marathon myself. I could afford it if I really wanted it, but in the light of the recent situation it seems rather frivolous for our budget. I like the excitement and camaraderie of a race. I also like looking up stats and times on coolrunnings. But honestly, this is about proving to myself that I can go the distance so I can go the distance on my own time in my own manner on my own route with my husband & kids cheering from the sidelines.  

Silver lining: Government shut down = more time to train! 
I enjoyed some really gorgeous autumn long, cool, crisp runs last week. 
Government can't shut THIS down, bitch!

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