Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Legend of the Half Marathon with Three in a Stroller

This true legend was discussed in Train Like a Mother.  Once upon a time, there was a mother runner. She went out for an early morning run with 3 kids in a stroller. One fell asleep the whole time, one was happy telling stories and counting to 100, and the little baby was oblivious, they were all content to sit for a long time, so she... 
just. kept. going. 
This woman, whoever and wherever she may be, should have a statue made and be revered as a warrior goddess. Her children should also be applauded for their endurance and good behavior. Can this even be real? Three children for 13.1 miles?!? I can barely do 2 kids for 5 miles until the wheels fall off (metaphorically). That is just about how long the magical combo of raisins/goldfish/phone apps will take me. I estimate I push approximately 60 plus lbs of children, gear, and stroller. We as mothers absolutely MUST get extra credit for that. Not sure how that would equate into extra mileage, but it MUST count for something besides tenacity, endurance, and the stubborn determination to run.  Surely there is a physics person out there who can factor this all together.

Nice, motivating things I try to remember to tell myself on a run:

"I CAN and I WILL"
"Did deep, go long"  
"Sometimes you just DO things" - Scott Jurek
"Just get on with it" - Natalia Vodianova- unlikely source of inspiration from a supermodel who never runs. She does a half marathon during fashion week for her cause with no training. Mother of 3. She says it's like labor - just get on with it!

I was in labor for 24 hours last time. 36 the time before that. I can run fast for 2.


I am disappointed. Sunday was the Half Marathon I trained for but missed. I made excuses. I could have done it, but I chickened out. Entry fee too expensive, too long to be away from home with nursing baby. Couldn't have husband and kids waiting around for three plus hours downtown in the cold. The bridge to our house is closed during marathon, so getting in/out would've been a hassle, etc etc. Blah blah blah.  Government shutdown made us broke. Why did I make all these excuses? Can I really be that cheap that I don't want to spend $65 on an entry fee? These entry really fees add up. I keep to a fearsomely strict budget. Christmas and birthdays are coming. I honestly just couldn't bring myself to do it. There it is. 

SO, I resolved to do the My Own Damned Half Marathon next weekend. That's the official name. I planned my route. The fam can see me off, pick me up at the end, and drive by along to the way to cheer & bring me water and see that I haven't yet keeled over. My husband thinks I am crazy. That's OK. I don't need him to get it. I just need him to entertain our small people for a while and bring me a water and maybe a gross gel.

So instead of battling hoards of marathon crowds we got some family pics taken by my pal who's starting up her photo biz. Good luck Sally T. Johnston!  We went to the park. Played hide & seek made dinner. It was actually a really nice day but I couldn't shake my disappointment. It was anti-climactic like when I did the triathlon. I got a kind of deflated feeling after. A letdown. Bah.  
  I've got do it next weekend. I've trained for it, I've prepared, now I've just got to DO it. No excuses. Then I will feel better, right? Because I will have at least satisfied the itch to achieve the goal I have built up in my mind for so many dedicated weeks. 
Slow miles are better than no miles.


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