Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Why a blog? Why now? Aren't You a Bit Late to the Party?

Where was this blog when we were potty training? And more importantly, does the world need another blog about the misadventures of potty training? Probably not. I think Amber Dusick has said it all in Parenting with Crappy Illustrations. It is my absolute favorite, and my artistic inspiration. The blog I would like to make if it didn't exist already. Thanks for the many laughs, Amber.

But, being that motherhood involves  lots of poop miss-haps  there will be some of those stories here too.  I have actually wanted to have a blog for a long time, but had some anxiety about whether or not it would be original or funny enough. Then I realize, I don't care. HA! How liberating! I don't NEED a "reason". I just want to DO it. My friend Becky and possibly one or two other people might be amused and so that is good enough for me.  ;-}

Plus, it will keep me accountable to make fun of things regularly and stick to my training schedule. What better use of blogosphere and bandwidth? <sarcasm>

In my obscure little nook of the interwebs, I will have a little creative outlet here for myself and my own amusement. If it amuses others too, all the better. 

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